Oh, New Zealand; you underrated country! A gorgeous place with an even more beautiful culture, New Zealand is one of the best places you can go for a vacation. It has one of the most diverse areas in the world; from breath-taking lakes to amazing mountains that touch the sky, New Zealand has a lot to offer. So, it comes as no surprise that people want to explore this country when they’re on vacation. And when you talk about the traveling opportunities and activities in New Zealand, there’s really no limit. From intense adventurous activities to mild soothing ones, you can practically do anything in New Zealand. But it is mostly the adrenaline-filled activities that gather attention. Since New Zealand has a wonderful landscape, it offers numerous outdoor activities. For adventurists and naturalists alike, this lovely country is like a goldmine.

If you’re an adventure junkie and really want to get an adventure experience, there is simply a list of activities you cannot miss out on. Here are the top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand:

Top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand

Bungee Jump-Top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand

1. Bungee Jump

If there’s one adventure experience that really takes the cake, it’s bungee jumping. You cannot really put any activity over this one because you are quite literally jumping off an impressive height. For extreme adventurists, bungee jumping is one of the most interesting outdoor activities. After all, being at an extreme altitude and then feeling the blood rush through your body is an experience that really brings out all the adrenaline, right? So, if you’re up for an adventure, you really need to try bungee jumping.

Interestingly, bungee jumping hasn’t been a thrill lately; we can actually trace the activity back to Vanuatu, another country in Oceania where people would actually tie their feet to strong vines and fling themselves off of cliffs. The crazy idea was taken up by even crazier kiwis in 1988, who started using latex rubber cords as a replacement of these vines and performed the courageous activity on a built platform on the Kawarau Bridge near Queenstown. While this idea may have initially leaned toward absurdity, today it is one of the most approached activities. Because kiwis had kept safety on their mind, bungee jumping is an adventure experience that has blossomed into more than just a passing backpacker fad. The very same bridge, Kawarau Bridge is one of New Zealand’s most popular and top outdoor destinations, as people from all over the world visit to take a thrilling jump. You can try out bungee jumping from The Ledge and Nevis jump sites at Kawarau; and depending on your fear factor, go for tandems, backward flips, blindfolded jumps, water-touch, and night jumps.

ice climbing- Top 10 adventures activities in New Zealand

2. Ice Climbing

An extremely unique adventure experience, ice climbing isn’t an outdoor activity you’ll get just anywhere. New Zealand is one of the few places in the world that allows you to explore glaciers from up close. While there are a few other areas on the earth where you can see glaciers, you won’t find the chance to climb them unless you’re in New Zealand. And yes, we are talking about literally scaling ice. All you need to do is use axes and crampons and you’ll be climbing ice better than Elsa could. And honestly, when you get to the top of a glacier and stare down, you’ll understand why this activity makes it on the list of the top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand. You really can’t put a word to explain the feeling of having a beautiful and memorable experience such as this.

But there’s more to ice climbing in New Zealand than just scaling a glacier. Firstly, some glacier scaling classes require that you be flown to the top of the glacier on a helicopter. That gives you a great chance to get an aerial view of some of New Zealand’s finest landscapes. Secondly, if you’re extremely lucky, you might even come across an actual frozen waterfall. And if you’re done feeling astonished and too stunned to speak, wait till you realize that there are actual courses that allow you to scale a frozen waterfall. How crazy is that?! Imagine boasting to your friends that you’ve actually scaled a frozen waterfall. Surely, this experience is one in a million.

Lastly, when you get tired of hanging from ice, you can always take a tour of the nearby waterfalls and enjoy a relaxing picnic instead.

Zorbing- Top 10 adventurer activities in New Zealand

3. Zorbing

No, this isn’t a term out of a sci-fi movie; zorbing is an actual outdoor adventure experience that’s a lot more fun than just taking a hike. Zorbing is an activity where you secure yourself inside a huge transparent ball and then roll down a hill. It sounds like every child’s dream, doesn’t it? And while you can find some zorbing places that accommodate kids, zorbing in general is an extremely thrilling sport. The reason is that instead of just rolling down a hill, you’re flung down a hill where the zorb can accelerate to a speed of upto 50 kilometers per hour!

When you think of tracing this sport to its root, it comes as no surprise that it did actually originate from New Zealand itself. After all, New Zealand is a place for outdoor adventures, so we should have suspected that the country would come up with an extremely silly but fun idea and transform it into a successful adventure experience now.

And where can you zorb, you ask? Well, the first ever zorbing site was in Rotorua, New Zealand, so you can still head out to this place; but if you’re up for a little more exploration, you’ll find lots of top outdoor destinations that cater to the activity.

canoeing- Top 10 adventures activities in New Zealand

4. Canoeing

Slightly calmer than scaling ice mountains and flinging yourself from the air, canoeing is a pleasant one among the top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand.

If you prefer the calmer side of nature after a day spent outdoors, no one would stop you. New Zealand is a crazy place for even insane adventures, but sometimes you really have to put a pause on the adrenaline and get yourself a dose of calm serotonin. And for naturalists who really love nature, canoeing is the perfect way to explore all of the bounties of nature. Imagine; just you and your companion paddling slowly across a river between mountains and bushlands…serene.

There are some people who tend to canoe just for the sake of exploring a river, but if you’re really into adventure, you might want to try out adventure canoeing. That is the beauty of this activity; you can go canoeing in calmer waters where you can really take a closer look at nature, or you can wrestle crazy waves and test your core strength. Either way, with canoeing, you really can’t go wrong.

And if you’re thinking where’s the one place you can go to canoe, you have to tour New Zealand’s 9 Great Walks because one of them, the Whanganui journey, is actually a water only journey. From lush green forests to steep canyons, canoeing in New Zealand is a lively experience.

scuba diving-top 10 adventures activities in New Zealand

5. Scuba Diving

Ah, the age old outdoor experience that really never gets old. Scuba diving is an outdoor activity that occurs no matter where you go; as long as there’s a body of water that’s explorable to depth, you’ll have the chance to scuba dive. For some people, scuba diving is more than just an adventure; people genuinely love exploring the sea, and there are some of us who really adore marine animals. The concept of scuba diving is quite a stellar combination of cute and thrilling too; you get to swim between schools of fish, stare down sharks and get to observe corals as deep down as you can go.

Since New Zealand is one of the top outdoor destinations, there’s no doubt that it will up its game when it comes to scuba diving. In fact, the famous explorer James Cousteau rated one of New Zealand’s most beautiful diving spots, the Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve, among the top dives in the world. What makes it wonderful is not just its gorgeous landscapes or abundance of underwater life; the dive spot is quite a hit because it has been subject to quite a few volcanic eruptions in the past, leading to the rise of the world’s biggest sea cave, the Riko Riko.

And the dive spots don’t stop there; New Zealand has an abundance of diving spots, but you’ll find that beyond Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve on the North Island there lies the Bay of Islands, a prime spot to swim among the dolphins.

white water rafting- top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand

6. White Water Rafting

Yet another one of our top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand, white water rafting is one of the sports that just sits right with families. An overall adventurous outdoor experience, white water rafting can also be mild and soothing, so it can be a family adventure experience. But, if you’re looking for a sudden hit of adrenaline, this sport will definitely do the trick. It is important to remember that while white water rafting is an experience that’s usually easy to learn, even for beginners, the kind of experience you’re getting depends entirely on the river and weather. So, if you’re hoping for a calm, joyful and family-friendly ride, you’ll have to go for the calmer rivers that are known for peaceful waves and pick a nice, clear day to go. If you’re out on a rainy day, the chances of getting rougher waves are higher.

While white river rafting is an experience that caters to anyone, if you’re an introvert, you’ll have to prepare yourself to meet larger parties. This is because you’ll be navigating the inflatable river raft with a small group of people. Sometimes, rafting teams comprise 7-10 members, so if you’re not a team member, think again.

New Zealand really does not have a shortage of places to white river raft but one place that always gathers recommendations is Kaituna Waterfalls. The Kaituna waterfalls flow beyond the mighty Kaituna river and presents you with challenging water, so you’ll really have to pick out a good company. If you’d like to follow the top ones, we suggest Kaituna Cascades, a rafting company that has been operating in New Zealand for years and offers you a highly invigorating and exciting ride.

kayaking- top 10 adventure activitites in New Zealand

7. Kayaking

Similar to white river rafting and canoeing, kayaking really can go both ways. For adventure junkies who live on the thrill of having the blood surge from their heart and for nature lovers who would like to get in touch with mother nature, kayaking is an excellent outdoor activity. And when it comes to figuring out the perfect kayaking destination, of course, New Zealand is not short on it. In fact, New Zealand has too many places to kayak. The Western Bay of Lake Taupo for example, awards you with a striking view of massive 10 meter high, ancient Maori rock carvings at Whakamoenga Point in Mine Bay. To get to this point, you need to take a boat but with kayaking, you’ll get as close as possible.

Another top-tier kayaking destination is the northern end of South Island. Here, you’ll find Abel Tasman National Park, which is known for its dense trees and beautiful, peaceful lakes. The Abel Tasman National Park holds turquoise water and is marked by golden beaches that look stunning all on their own but wait till you get to the granite cliffs that really take the experience to a whole new level. At this kayaking point, you’re also likely to find seals just cruising about, so don’t be startled when you find one.

And what makes kayaking even more amazing is that you can really do it at your own pace. From taking a thrilling ride on stronger waves to enjoying sheltered harbors and dramatic fjords; and from choosing a guided tour or going with your own flow, there’s really no limit to your fun!

sky diving- top 10 adventures activities in New Zealam=nf

8. Skydiving

Easily one of the most thrilling adventure experiences, skydiving leaves no room for surprise when seen on the list of the top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand. This activity is purely filled with adrenaline; so, for those who heavily rely on adventure for dopamine, know that you’ve got your dose covered. While you can skydive practically anywhere in New Zealand, there’s something quite special about skydiving from one of its many top outdoor destinations which include Parakai, Queensland, Motueka and Taupau. Each of these adventurous places bestow you with breath-taking views of vegetation, lakes, and mountains on all sides. Imagine jumping off the plan and getting to see the blue sky meet the mighty mountains. Imagine seeing massive trees lining across rivers and icy blue fjords flowing out of inlets. If that isn’t a view that makes you fall in love with New Zealand, you’re honestly doing something wrong.

Skydiving also has a hidden benefit for bloggers and vloggers; you only need to capture the sight once to gather unlimited views. And it’s also a great perspective to show the family and friends when you’re back from your vacation.

Hiking- top 10 adventure activities in NEw zealand

9. Hiking

Hold on a minute. We know you’re thinking, “hiking is pretty basic,” but if there’s one thing New Zealand is really good at, it’s turning even the basic most experiences into the best and the most memorable one. So, it really comes as no shocker that New Zealand is one of the few places in the world that will give you such ethereal views of hiking, that you’ll be too stunned to speak. We’re not talking about just casual hikes along mountains but hiking along a wilderness that boasts waterfalls, fjords, lakes, mountains, forests and even glaciers. Now, who can top that?

If you’re not one to set off on a hiking trip with company, you can always lean on New Zealand to give you the safest and most fulfilling hiking tours ever. There’s something quite invigorating about carrying all that you need to survive and just being able to do something so thrilling and close to nature. And that is exactly what makes hiking such a prime activity; it’s truly one that’s for all. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly activity, overnight hikes with your friends or challenging hikes to test your strength, New Zealand will deliver!

ziplining- top 10 adventure activities in new zealand

10. Ziplining

Ziplining is quickly becoming one of the most adventurous activities there are, and it will only take you one ride to understand why. With all that New Zealand has to offer, ziplining comes as a great advantage. Not only is ziplining a brilliant way to explore the wilderness and the raw essence of New Zealand’s rustic beauty, but it’s also a great way to keep life from getting too boring. Ziplining is an adventure experience that caters to most people, so chances of you finding safe zipline experiences even for kids are pretty high. If you’re looking for places to zipline, we recommend Rotorua Island and Cable Bay Adventure Park.

Now that you’re up to speed on all the adventure experiences in New Zealand, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t go for all of them. New Zealand is a stellar destination with stunning looks but even more so because of what it has to offer; so, you really cannot miss out on these top 10 adventure activities in New Zealand. In the end, you’ll be coming home with Instagram worthy pictures, amazing memories and an adrenaline punch that will keep you happy for a long time.


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